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FAQQ: I am trying to charge my battery through Solar Panel. If the battery pack already has the PCB/PCM protection, do I still need the solar charger controller ? A: Yes, you do need the solar charger controller since it will regulate the voltage from solar panel for your battery pack.Q: If I want to solar charge LiFePO4/Lithium Ion battery, which already has PCB, would a normal SLA controller work fine?A: For LiFePO4 / Lithium Ion battery, we always recommend to use LiFePO4/Lithium Ion solar controller. Especially if you are using the battery as UPS (back up power supply). The Lead Acid solar controller will constantly provide pulse current to the battery, in the long run, it might damage the PCB. So the PCB won't be able to protect the battery when it should be. The LiFePO4 / Lithium Ion solar controller won't provide constant current when the battery is fully charged. So it is much safer and reliable.